Findon Vale June News

There has been a busy Spring Term for the Sports Department at Vale School, competing in more than 20 competitions over 12 weeks!

Our Year 1 and 2 children took part in an indoor athletics competition and a football tournament, in which both came 2nd. Year 3 and 4 children were part of 2 football and netball tournaments, as well as a gymnastics and an indoor athletics competition.

We also took a team to the U9 Albion Cup which was a very enjoyable day for all.

Year 5 participated in netball and football tournaments, coming first in the football and reaching the semi-finals of the Knockout Cup. Our Year 6’s were in a Girls football, netball and several other football tournaments and matches!

We also took 34 children in Years 3 and 4 to the Southern Area Cross Country Finals, 3 of whom qualified for the County Finals at Waterhall in which the girls’ team won!

As a school we hosted the KS1 and KS2 New Age Kurling events which welcomed other schools to compete in a friendly competition.

Finally our Year 6 swimmers took part in the South East Swimming Gala at Pavilions in the Park.

Our boys’ teams came 4th and 6th in their races and the girls came 1st in both of theirs. They will now go on to compete against schools in May from other counties for a place at the finals in June. We have had such a successful term of events, with over 200 pupils competing and we’re looking forward to more events during the Summer Term.


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