Planning Inspectorate invite the public to have a say on extension application
As part of proposals to expand the capacity of Gatwick Airport, its operators, Gatwick Airport Ltd (GAL) and the Planning Inspectorate are inviting members of the public to have their say on the recently submitted application for Development Consent by Sunday 29th October.
The Gatwick Airport Project proposes alterations to the existing northern runway at Gatwick Airport which, along with lifting the current restrictions on its use, would enable dual runway operations. The Project would also include the development of a range of infrastructure and facilities to allow increased airport passenger numbers and aircraft operations.
The Project is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and is considered under the 2008 Planning Act which means that the Planning Inspectorate makes a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport who will decide the application. GAL submitted its application to the Secretary of State (via the Planning Inspectorate) on Thursday 6th July 2023 and the application was accepted for examination on 3 August 2023.
Further information regarding the NSIP process for members of the public and others can be found on the Planning Inspectorate’s website at The full suite of application documents and the supporting evidence base can also be found on the Planning Inspectorate’s website at Paper copies of the Application Documents can also be found at Horsham Library and Billingshurst Library.
If you wish to have your say in this process you may register with the Planning Inspectorate and provide a summary of your views on the Application by submitting a ‘Relevant Representation’ in order to become an ‘Interested Party’.
This can be completed online at or by requesting a paper copy of the Registration and Relevant Representation Form on 0303 444 5000. Registration ensures that you will receive formal notifications during the examination process and gives you important participation rights.
Please note that representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 23:59 on Sunday 29th October 2023.
Horsham District Council is actively engaged in responding to these proposals and will continue to share its views with Gatwick Airport Ltd, the Planning Inspectorate and the Secretary of State to ensure Horsham District is fully considered in the examination of this application. Details of our formal responses to the public consultations that have been held to date can be found on our website