Walberton Parish Council June News

Walberton Green, West Sussex

Edited extracts of draft minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 30th April 2019.

Public Questions

Q – Is there any monitoring of car parking around the school at drop off / pick times as difficulties have been experienced with cars being parked so as to cause danger and obstruction. A – Walberton PC (WPC) does not undertake monitoring of car parking and instances of danger and objection should be reported to Sussex Police via their Op Crackdown website portal. The Clerk will be asked to write to the primary school, Community Play Centre and Pre-School.

Q –  Why correspondence regarding a proposal to build 200 new homes at Pigeon House Farm, Walberton, has not been published. A – The correspondence had only recently been received and a response will be considered.

Q –  Would WPC support the development of a particular property, even though a planning application has not yet been submitted? A – Any planning application, is considered on its merits when submitted and is not predetermined by the Planning Committee.

A27 Arundel Bypass

  • Further non-statutory consultation is now planned for late summer 2019. There are likely to be changes in the Elected Representative Forum owing to the local elections on 2 May 2019.
  • A working group has been created.
  • Sensitive data was posted on social media when an ADC councillor shared a map of the A27 route corridors when not authorised to do so.

Neighbourhood Plan & Review

Almost 400 responses to the questionnaire had been received, the results of which are being evaluated.

Tuppers Field (Wates – Linden Homes)

Agreed that a working group be created to liaise with Wates/Linden/Pegasus.

Dandara site

Draft responses to questions raised by the Fontwell Green Committee were considered. It was agreed to share the Open Space plan with the Fontwell Green Committee.

West Walberton Lane

Suggestions presented for consideration to improve the safety of cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders.

The Street 20mph Traffic Regulation Order

WSCC Highways had refused the application for a 20mph speed limit. Other options were discussed.



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