Edited extracts from the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 2nd April 2019.
Neighbourhood Plan
Although there was some concern expressed regarding the inclusion of housing numbers in excess of the 70 that Aldingbourne are currently required to provide, it was recognised that there is sense in progressing to Regulation 14 as soon as possible in order to clarify Aldingbourne’s position before any future negotiations with Arun regarding possible shortfall’s in housing supply numbers.
The proposal to proceed to Regulation 14 was therefore put to a vote and agreed unanimously. Sincere thanks was also expressed to the members of the Neighbourhood Plan team for their hard work in delivering this revised Plan in such a short timescale.
A29 Realignment
The tabled A29 Realignment Update paper was discussed. The approach was supported. However, concern was noted amongst several Councillors that Aldingbourne Parish Council’s consultation response should be strengthened further, particularly to note it is not in agreement regarding the currently proposed start and end locations, and that it remains extremely concerned at the proposed scheduling of the works.
As a result of this debate the tabled ‘update’ paper was amended to produce an agreed consultation response which was subsequently submitted to West Sussex County Council.
This is produced on the minutes as Appendix A, (summarised as follows)
- The road should be built in its entirety in advance of the housing in order to relieve the considerable increased traffic congestion and disruption that will arise from a decade of house building. However, the inevitable reliance on private sector finance, which will be released gradually as housing progresses, will inevitably mean that the road is constructed in a piecemeal manner leading to increased congestion, disruption, and air pollution.
- that the road does not have a strong business case. The number of houses required to finance the road has increased to 4,200, with the additional number being constructed after 2032. This means that the road will not be completed until after 2032 and, taking into account inflation over that period, it is unclear if there will ever be sufficient finance to complete the road.
- Phase 1 of the current proposal should come after Phase 2 as the current scheme will only increase the significant delays and congestion. WSCC has already accepted occur at peak times at the War Memorial junction and Woodgate level crossing, and will not benefit the whole scheme in any way until Phase 2 is completed, as it is only Phase 2 that provides the needed relief from the additional traffic to be generated by Arun’s proposed BEW scheme. Further it considers the re-alignment of the A29 should commence at the existing roundabout East of Fontwell where the Northern approach of the A29 from Slindon meets the A27, not South of Eastergate Lane as proposed, which will not make drivers inclined to deviate from the existing route.
- The Parish Council objects to the road link between the proposed A29 by-pass and the existing A29 route through Westergate proposed in the Cala Homes development. This route would pass through a biodiversity / green corridor which has considerable landscape and recreational value. This route would add significant congestion to the existing A29 and would increase rat runs down Hook Lane and Nyton Road which are narrow and unable to cope with increasing traffic volumes arising from current planning consents. The money for this link road would be better spent improving the road to the south, avoiding Shripney.
- The Parish Council can find no evidence that the increasing traffic congestion and development of rat runs has been considered in the report, nor does there appear to be a long-term analysis of road capacity with or without the route.
- Insufficient attention has been given to the bio diversity impact or the destruction of high quality agricultural land.
Damage to playground bench
Some damage had been incurred to the bench in the playground area. Discussions had taken place between Councillor Warden and the firm who had recently undertaken the remedial work to that area however (Tivoli). A price (£2,407.02) for carrying out the work for the bench had been tendered which was still within the original total budget for the playground works. It was therefore agreed that the work should be carried out immediately in order to restore this community resource to working order.
B&E Parish Council
There were no meetings to report on since our last issue for Barnham and Eastergate Parish Council.