Pulborough Parish Council May News

Edited extracts from the draft minutes of the Recreation & Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 14th March 2019.

Puchase of replacement mower

The Deputy Clerk has contacted Horsham District Council regarding S106 funding for a replacement mower, they have replied as follows:

“If you can demonstrate that the mowers etc. are  needed  as a  direct result  of development in the area then I consider that this would be an appropriate use of Section 106 funds, providing that the development(s) from which any funds are used had a direct relationship with the areas of open space etc. that would be maintained by the equipment.”

The Deputy Clerk will pass this onto the F&P Committee for them to consider.

Roundabout in Rectory  Close Play Park

The advice regarding S106 funding for a replacement roundabout was the same as mentioned above. The Deputy Clerk is considering this advice and will complete the S106 application accordingly.

Benches in Rectory Close Park

Members received a resident request to have additional benches in the Rectory Close play park and surrounding recreation ground. The Deputy Clerk advised that there are currently three benches in the play park and two along the perimeter of the play park alongside the bank, which backs onto Link Lane along with three benches at the other side of the recreation ground by the pavilion. Members thought that there were enough  benches  in  and  around  the  play  park,  but  resolved to  install  an additional bench between Pocket Park & Collingwood, avoiding any sport pitches, (subject to the Groundsman’s approval) with a budget limit of £80.00.

Nutbourne Common Recreation Ground Trees

Members received notes from the Tree Warden following a site visit to NCRG. Members also received one available quotation from Storrington Sawmill, totalling £455.00 + vat for high priority tree works in accordance with the notes from the site visit. Members resolved to accept the quotation from Storrington Sawmill totalling £455.00 + vat as per the schedule of works on the quotation.

Item for next agenda

Request for a bench in Rivermead alongside the footpath.




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