Let’s SCRAP fly tipping across West Sussex

West Sussex Fly Tipping Group is working together

Organisations across West Sussex are uniting in their effort to tackle the illegal dumping of waste this spring.

West Sussex County Council, the district and borough councils in West Sussex, the Environment Agency, the National Farmers Union, the Police and Crime Commissioner, and West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service are launching the Let’s SCRAP Fly tipping initiative to tackle fly tipping across the county.

The initiative aims to reduce fly tipping and advise residents how they can avoid inadvertently contributing to the problem, by following the SCRAP code. This encourages residents to: Suspect waste carriers, Check they are licenced, Refuse unexpected offers to waste disposal, Ask how the waste will be disposed of and obtain Paperwork.

Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste on land or in water, and can cause problems to local councils, land owners, the public, and the environment. As a criminal offence, it is punishable by a fine of up to £50,000 or 12 months’ imprisonment if convicted in a magistrates’ court. The offence can attract an unlimited fine and up to five years’ imprisonment if convicted in a crown court.

Whilst large scale fly tipping is usually perpetrated by rogue traders and criminals, householders can avoid unwittingly contributing to fly tipping by ensuring they use a reputable company or local trader with a waste carrier’s licence, when employing someone to remove their waste.

Area Environment Manager Michael Turner from the Environment Agency said: “We all have a part to play in preventing our rubbish from being illegally dumped, buried or burnt. And we want to make sure that when people have rubbish to get rid of, they have the right information to help them make the right choice rather than break the law. Following the SCRAP code, such as checking that you are handing your rubbish to a licenced carrier, will ensure your waste doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

“Fly tipping and organised waste crime is blighting our communities and environment. Waste criminals undercut legitimate businesses by offering to get rid of your rubbish at prices too good to be true. Everyone has a duty to ensure their rubbish is disposed of legally and safely.”

Deborah Urquhart, West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, said: “Fly tipping is both a criminal and an anti-social offence and there is no excuse for it.

“We are committed to tackling this issue and I am pleased to announce the launch of the Let’s SCRAP Fly tipping initiative in West Sussex, in partnership with the district and borough councils, the Environment Agency, the National Farmers Union, the Police and Crime Commissioner and West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service.

“As well as spoiling the natural environment and costing tax-payers’ money to clear up, fly tipped waste is incredibly dangerous to wildlife and animals. Consuming waste is likely to be fatal to animals and birds. It is so important that we tackle this problem and ensure that all waste is disposed of correctly.”

The district and borough councils operate the kerbside collections in West Sussex, and collect general household waste, recycling, garden waste and in some area textiles and small electrical items. Larger items and those not suitable for kerbside collection can be taken to the Household Waste Recycling Sites. More information about different types of waste is available here: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/land-waste-and-housing/waste-and-recycling/recycling-and-waste-prevention-in-west-sussex/recycling-a-z/

Residents can find out more about Let’s SCRAP Fly Tipping here: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/flytipping



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