Horsham Matters Food Bank charity takes its services on the road

Horesham foodbank services on the road

Horsham Matters food bank services is going on the road in an exciting new initiative to ensure those in need in more rural areas of the Horsham district receive support.

Horsham Matters Hub on the Move is a specially adapted Citroen Relay van is not only providing parcels of emergency food to individuals and families in need, but information and signposting including household budgeting and eventually debt advice.

Weekly visits to rural villages

The Hub on the Move is making weekly visits to a range of communities across the District including Billingshurst, Broadbridge Heath, Southwater, Steyning, Storrington and Pulborough. Foodbank sessions also operate in central Horsham throughout the week including a supermarket-style foodbank on Saturday mornings and Thursday evenings.

Managing director Emma Elnaugh said the aim of the new service was to reach people living in rural areas who may find it difficult to afford transport to foodbank venues.

Foodbank users increasing

“The number of people fed by the foodbank in our 12 most rural areas has increased nearly fivefold in the past year, which is much higher than the increase in the rest of our operational area. As a charity we believe strongly that access to support from the foodbank should be equal for everyone who is in crisis, regardless of where in our area they live, and so this project was born.”

Debt and budgeting advice

She added that through the provision of information and other support alongside the foodbank, and working with outside agencies, the charity would have a maximum impact on clients. “A member of the team will be providing household budget support and we will soon also be able to provide debt advice. This approach is in line with our vision and that of the Trussell Trust to work towards an end to foodbanks. It is crucial we support clients to address the root cause of their challenges and for us to facilitate that.”

Financial help needed

The project was made possible by a £3106 grant from People’s Postcode Lottery for the fit out of the vehicle, but Horsham Matters is appealing for financial support to cover the running costs of the Hub on the Move.

The charity has set up a JustGiving appeal at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/hubonthemove to help cover the cost of food, vehicle expenses, driver costs and technical resources.

Elnaugh said: “We know this year will be very hard for us as a charity and we will need the support of the community more than ever, so we are urging Horsham district residents to get behind our Horsham Matters Hub on the Move campaign and help ensure our most vulnerable are supported both now and in future.”

Horsham Matters Hub on the Move will be located at the following venues:

10am to 11.30am Billingshurst Library Car Park
Midday to 1.30pm St Johns Church Car Park, Broadbridge Heath

1pm to 2.30pm Steyning HDC Car Park, Tanyard Lane
3pm to 4.30pm Storrington Library Car Park

10am to 11.30am Pulborough venue TBC
Midday to 1.30pm Southwater Lintot Square Car Park

10.30am to midday
Horsham central location venue TBC

Horsham Matters is a local charity that works to relieve hardship through the provision of essential services (food, fuel and shelter) in order to make a positive, long-lasting impact on people’s lives. www.horsham-matters.com
0300 124 0204 or 07702 492824



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