Edited extracts from the draft minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 17th January 2019.
Public Question Time
A resident spoke regarding Agenda item P 19.08 (SDNP/18/06499/LDE – Meadow View, Horsham Road, Findon BN14 0RG) and provided the Committee with background information regarding non-compliance with conditions regarding a certificate of lawful development.
The Chairman thanked the resident and explained that the Case Officer at the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) had advised that notification was for the Committee’s awareness only as the application would be considered by the SDNPA on the level of evidence rather than consideration of merits or demerits.
SDNP/18/04590/HOUS – 4 Summerfields, Findon, BN14 0TU (revised)
Single storey rear extension (kitchen and conservatory), first floor extension (over existing garage) and replacement porches.
Councillors had reviewed the available documents and site location. The Committee was reminded that FPC had raised an objection to the original application for a two storey extension and had commented that an appropriate one storey extension would be more suitable.
Resolved: that the Clerk informs the SDNPA that Findon Parish Council raises no objections to the application.
Review of the SDNPA Planning Applications List
The List (as previously circulated) was reviewed and noted. Attention was drawn to the recent submissions on the SDNPA Public Access System regarding SDNP/18/05896/FUL Cissbury, Nepcote, Findon, BN14 0SR.
SDNPA pre application advice requests
The List (as previously circulated) was noted. Attention was drawn to the SDNPA Landscape Officer’s report on the SDNPA Public Access System regarding SDNP/18/03442/PRE Land at Elm Rise (Hazeldene), Elm Rise, Findon BN14 0UP.
Forthcoming Parish Council meetings:
- Full Council – March 4th 7.30pm
- Planning Committee – March 14th 7.30pm
- Planning Committee – April 11th 7.30pm