Chichester City Council April News

Chichester Cathedral

Edited extracts of minutes of the Planning & Conservation Committee on 6th March 2019.

80 and 85A Bus withdrawal

The Chairman referred to an email received from Oving Parish Council giving details of the proposal to withdraw the Saturday Service of the 85 and 85A bus route from Chichester to Arundel. The reasons given were the under-use of the Service. However, it was noted that a request had been received for Parish Council’s to help with funding; although the Committee felt that further statistics were required to justify this request. After some discussion it was agreed that, pending further statistical information, this matter be referred to the Finance Committee for further consideration.

County Council Road Space Audit

The conclusions of the Road Space Audit were summarised and an overview given of the Parking Management Plan which the RSA had informed. The themes and suggested actions to address the City’s parking issues were outlined and discussed. Concern was expressed about the availability of parking for residents and the ratio of residential parking permits to permits available for commuters. Further concern was raised that demand for parking may exceed supply, and that cost may be an issue for residents and commuters.

Councillor Hunt addressed the Committee and was requested to provide further information about the Road Space Audit to City Council officers. In the meantime, Mr Miles Davey, Parking Manager, West Sussex County Council, would be invited to attend the next meeting of the  Committee  (on 3rd April) to update members.

List of Historic Buildings of Interest

It was proposed to request that the following be removed from the Local Buildings of Interest List:

  • Chichester Bus Garage
  • The former Chichester High School for Girls
  • Chichester Magistrates Court
  • The Railway Station (excluding the Signal Box)

After discussion, the Committee were of the opinion that the following buildings should be brought to the next Committee for further discussion:

  • The Planetarium
  • The Richmond Arms
  • The new canal building
  • The Railway Station Signal Box


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