Sussex Will Writers, headed by Steve Worsfold, have over 15 years experience in helping customers write their Wills and arrange their affairs.
We specialise in Will Writing, Inheritance Tax Planning and Property Trusts. We can assist with writing Joint Wills and applying for Lasting Powers of Attorney should you require it. We can also arrange Business Powers of Attorney. If you own or run a business you may require specific instructions for that, in the event that you become incapacitated.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Update – Extended Opening Hours
In response to the current health crisis and increased demand, we are extending our opening hours to assist new and existing clients with any changes or updates to their Wills, Trusts and Lasting Powers of Attorney instructions.
You can reach our office number during the following hours:
01903 533681
Mon – Fri: 8am – 8pm
Saturday: 9am – 5pm
Sundays: 10am – 4pm
We are taking the coronavirus pandemic very seriously, following Public Health advice to work remotely and carry on our work supporting customers and clients.
We recognise that the current crisis will be causing considerable stress and concern to many and want to reassure our clients and customers that we are available to take instructions and provide professional advice remotely via: telephone, email, FaceTime, Skype, Zoom calls and messaging services such as What’s App.
Free Updates and Changes
We want to reassure you that our Wills are robust and changeable. And if your Will is already in storage with us, then it is free to rewrite and change them.
Dying without making a Will leaves a time consuming and potentially costly mess for your loved ones… even if you don’t have much in the way of assets. If you have children and a property don’t let the State dictate what happens to your Estate.
There is a helpful article on our website that identifies 8 specific life changes that could mean you should write a Will or update your existing will. You can read that here:
Lasting Powers of Attorney
If you were unable to make your own decisions regarding your finances and health, who should do that for you? For a growing age group, loss of mental capacity is a major worry.
We have helped many local Sussex residents put instructions in place for what should happen to their welfare, healthcare and finances if they lose capacity to carry out those instructions themselves.
Do you want your children or others in your Will to lose their inheritance due to your home having to be sold to pay for your Long Term Care Costs? Strategies used by families who have written Wills with suitable Trust wordings can preserve your estate for your loved ones. Talk to us about how a suitable Trust can preserve the value of your home and estate for your beneficiaries.
Funeral Plans
Do you want to leave your children and loved ones having to guess what you want for your funeral? With Funerals typically costing £5000 families are looking to take effective action to freeze these costs at today’s prices and leave clear guidance for the type of funeral they would like.

About Steve Worsfold
Steve Worsfold is an Associate Member of the Society of Will Writers, a Chartered Financial Planner and Fellow of the Personal Finance Society, with 30 years of experience in advising clients on how best to arrange their financial matters.
In addition Steve has been an Affiliate Member of the Society of Will Writers for 15 years.
Sussex Will Writers
T: 01903 533681
M: 07734 744886