Lucia Babjakova in Worthing: To Save It, You Must See It

Event Details

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Start time: 10:00

End time: 17:00

Event Short Description

In this exhibition, Lucy Babjakova & other artists will be exploring the saving urban nature.

Event Information

Lucia Babjakova nature exhibition

The current obsession with tidy low-cut lawns and constant grass mowing is destroying biodiversity around us.

‘To Save It, You Must See It’ is bringing attention to the beauty and life that lies in nature uncut, including verges and meadows and rewilded gardens in an urban environment, confronting the view that nature needs to be tidied up to be acceptable.

It invites the viewer to look closely and to see the beauty in ‘untidy’ nature and to bring attention to how many wildflowers and insects one sees every day.

The exhibition explores the theme of the war on nature and tries to increase understanding of the nature we can directly affect.

All around us people are at war with nature. On a macro scale with massive deforestation of rainforests and pollution of oceans; on a local scale with litter, destructive over-mowing and paving over of gardens. The irony of suburban garden orthodoxy even drives people to destroy grass and plants to fit plastic lawns and paving, because

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Organiser Details

Name: Colonnade House

Telephone: 01903 221142



Venue Details

Address: Colonnade House, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3DH

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