Award-winning queer circus show from Edinburgh-born artist, Sadiq Ali.
Expect a heady mix of love, drugs and Islam. This unique and complex take on circus, performed on two Chinese Poles, is emotionally candid with moments of humour and joy set to banging soundtrack.
The Chosen Haram deals with themes of sexuality, faith, addiction and connection. The story of two gay men and their chance meeting through a dating app, portraying the highs and lows of their relationship and the barriers they face, social, cultural and personal in seeking happiness and personal fulfilment.
Based on a combination of lead artist Sadiq Ali’s personal experience, as well as interviews with members of the LGBTQ+ community who identify as (ex) Muslim. The show explores the personal struggles faced by many people whose upbringing contradicts their personal truths, and how this can lead to self-destructive behaviour.
Something that is “Haram” is forbidden by Islam.
Win a pair of tickets to see The Chosen Haram at Worthing Pavillion Theatres on Saturday 24th June at 8:00pm.
To enter the competition enter using the form below. The closing date is the 31st May 2023.