Top hits Comedy-meets-rock-band-meets-punk-clown-mayhem, Hairy is a playful and frankly laughable exploration of that most versatile and significant feature of human anatomy.
Spymonkey’s first show created especially for young people, Hairy will have few words and great generous dollops of bold visual comedy.
Hair seems to be everywhere! And sprouting in the most unlikely places! Hair to be styled, waxed, fashioned, shaved, plucked, jeri-curled, dreadlocked and shorn. Hair to be striking, funny, scary, surprising, gorgeous and greasy. Long, short, curly, straight, thick, thin, in-growing, up-covered, unwanted or removed. Where’s it going to turn up next?
Hairy will be staged at the Pavilion Theatre from Thursday 24 August to Monday 28 August 2023. Tickets available from £13.50. For Information or bookings or call 01903 206 206.
To enter the competition enter using the form below. The closing date is the 31st July 2023.