West Sussex County Council Bus Passes: Senior residents aged 66+ urged to “Bus It”

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Free off-peak travel anywhere in England

Senior residents are being urged by West Sussex County Council to consider returning to the buses to take full advantage of their eligible free bus pass.

There has been a gradual return to the buses since Covid-19 restrictions were lifted. Now, pensioners are being urged to “Bus It” and consider getting back on board for a more sustainable way to travel.

With their bus passes, senior residents can travel off-peak on local buses anywhere in England as far and as often as they like (including London). Passes enable people to:

  • Save money on petrol/car running costs
  • Keep in touch with friends and family
  • Travel to appointments or work
  • Support their independence
  • Explore West Sussex towns and countryside

Passengers will find better ventilated vehicles since before the pandemic, with more advanced cleaning regimes used by the bus operators.

Providing links to access to key services

Joy Dennis, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said: “Buses provide vital links for residents to access key services including healthcare, education, shops, and leisure facilities, and can help combat social isolation. Their vital role is reflected in the fact that, overall, we provided £15million in support for buses in 2021/22, when you exclude Covid-19-related Government funding.

“Bus companies have been working hard to encourage people to get back on board and have made many improvements: I urge people to consider seeing this for themselves and senior residents in particular to take full advantage of their eligible free pass.”

More information about free bus passes for older people is available on the County Council website.

Residents of state pension age are also being urged to let us know their views on local bus services. More information about free bus passes for older people visit www.westsussex.gov.uk/FreeBusPass

Bus pass case study

Jaki (73), from Petworth, says: “Using my free bus pass has many benefits. I still work twice a week and the free bus pass saves me on car parking costs, petrol and car wear and tear. It’s more relaxing than driving and means I don’t have to travel on my own. It’s also very sociable and you get to meet all sorts of people to have a chat to.

“When I travel to Chichester on the bus, it drops me right off in the centre of town rather than having to walk in from a car park, which is extremely helpful if it’s raining. You also get to know the bus driver and the other passengers who take the bus regularly.

“As a pensioner on a limited income, the bus pass means I can travel all over the country and it gives me the chance to make different journeys and explore new places for free. I can also use it on holidays or in the school holidays if I want to take my grandchildren for a fun day out.”


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