Spitalfield Lane in Chichester resurfacing works scheduled

Spitalfield Lane resurfacing

Spitalfield Lane road closure and diversions

Overnight resurfacing works will be taking place on Spitalfield Lane in Chichester from 9th May to 14th May 2023 between the hours of 8pm and 6am.

During this time, Spitalfield Lane will be closed to all through traffic with diversions in place and some side roads affected. Vehicles will also be unable to park on the road whilst the resurfacing work is taking place. Any vehicle parked on Spitalfield Lane while the surfacing operations are taking place may be subject to a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Although the works are scheduled to take place overnight, ancillary works such as road marking replacement may take place outside of these hours once the new road surface has cooled sufficiently. Every effort will be made to carry out the noisiest operations in the earliest part of the evening and before 11pm to minimise disruption to nearby residents.

A West Sussex County Council highways officer said: “The road is showing signs of significant weakening and once the resurfacing work is completed the road will be smoother, provide a better running surface and be more resilient to the formation of potholes. It will also reduce the potential for more frequent and costly disruption from localised, small repairs.

“The works are in line with our Council Plan of supporting a sustainable and prosperous economy through providing a safer, more efficient and overall resilient transport network.

“Unfortunately, we cannot carry out work of this nature without having an impact on the local community. However, we feel that the overall inconvenience of doing this work at night, particularly with regards to maintaining access to St Richard’s Hospital, will be less than doing so during the day.”

Full information on the closure can be found on one.network


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