Shoreham Beach School awarded school girl an Oscar for bravery at sea

Shoreham Beach school girl indie

Shoreham Beach School girl awarded an Oscar for bravery

School girl and sea explorer Indie Reid (age 6) was awarded an Oscar by the head teacher of Shoreham Beach Primary School for her bravery at sea on Friday 24th Feb. Headteacher Mr Darren Vallier said “Indie is the bravest and most modest person he has ever met and lived a life he could only imagine as she explores the sea.”

Kindness is a big part of Shoreham Beach School, and Indie was praised for taking care of her little brother River in rough seas. Indie sailed a ten-day passage along the South coast during the holidays around the Isle of Wight and is training as a line handler in preparation for her first channel crossing in the coming year.

Indie continues her voyages with her sailing family and can often be seen kayaking to school along the River Adur.

Mr Vallier concluded his award by simply stating “Indie, you are amazing!”

Indie’s family sailing adventure can be followed on:


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