Time’s running out for local businesses to apply for vital restart funding

Covid Restart Grants

Vital funding is still available to support local businesses to get up and running again as further sectors reopen in line with the latest easing of COVID restrictions.

The Restart Grant, which closes for applications on 30 June 2021, is one of several financial support packages that in the last year have been created for businesses impacted by the COVID pandemic. Applications, which can be done online via an easy-to-use portal, can be completed at https://www.adur-worthing.gov.uk/coronavirus/business-support.

The Grant is primarily designed for businesses in the hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym sectors, which make up a high proportion of the business profile of Adur and Worthing and are the latest to open in line with the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown.

These sectors are some of the worst hit financially due to the length of time they have had to remain closed. The purpose of the Restart Grant is to support businesses to reopen safely. Many businesses have had to adapt their way of working to be able to operate in line with COVID safety restrictions, and have been supported by Adur & Worthing Councils’ COVID Information Officers to help them do so. This includes the hospitality sector which has had to put in place a range of safety measures to be able to welcome their customers back.

Eligible businesses in the hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym sectors can apply to Adur & Worthing Councils for a one-off grant of up to £18,000. Businesses in the non-essential retail sectors can also apply for a grant under the Restart Scheme of up to £6,000.

Further discretionary funding is also available for local businesses, particularly those in the Adur district. The Additional Restrictions Grant is for businesses and organisations that have been severely impacted by the restrictions and have not been eligible for other funding support or are in need of additional support.

Cllr Brian Boggis, Executive Member for Regeneration for Adur District Council, said: “We know many businesses, sole traders and freelancers have been impacted by the Covid but may not realise they are eligible for financial support. We encourage businesses in Adur to get in touch to find out what they may be entitled to.” Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Executive Member for Regeneration for Worthing Borough Council, said: “The Restart Grant has made a vital difference to many local businesses to help them to get up and running again – it’s great to see our town bouncing back from this challenging last year.”


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