The Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 19 is now published

Local Plan

In December 2023 councillors approved the Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 19 document and recommended that it proceeds to the next stage of preparation. This is known as the Regulation 19 stage.

This revised Local Plan has lower housing numbers than the previous draft – from the original government target of 1200, to just 480 for the next five years – meeting the new requirement for delivering water neutrality. The Council is also pushing for much improved eco building standards to be demonstrated by the developer in ‘Sustainability Statements’. This will help cut carbon emissions and slash the cost of household energy bills. Further guidance will follow on from the Local Plan to achieve this.

By approving this Plan, the Council’s ambitions are for more affordable homes, better standards of building design, more protection for nature, and support for active travel as the natural first choice for shorter journeys, as well as requiring the delivery of appropriate community infrastructure and opportunities for local jobs.

Your invitation

19 January to Friday 1 March 2024

You are now invited to share your views on whether the revised Horsham District Local Plan meets its national planning tests.

Your representations will then be submitted with the Draft Local Plan for consideration by a Government appointed, independent Planning Inspector.

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