Storrington Parish Council April News


Neighbourhood Wardens:
Have Your Say

As I reported last month, HDC has approached all parishes in the district to offer a one off grant towards the cost of providing Neighbourhood Wardens. Following the article there has been some discussion on social media about the pros and cons of having these wardens and I would just like to remind everybody that there will be a presentation about the subject at the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 2nd May at 7pm here at the Parish Hall. Representatives from HDC will be available at this meeting to provide factual information about what the role of a Neighbourhood Warden entails and to answer any questions about the scheme.

If we go ahead with the introduction of Wardens, it will be necessary to increase the annual precept (the Parish Council’s share of the Council Tax) by an average of £17 per household from 2019 and so the Parish Council has decided to hold a public vote so that you can let us know whether you support the idea or not. The details of how this vote will be managed have yet to be decided but I will report further on this in next month’s article. Rest assured that everyone who is entitled to vote will get a chance to voice their opinion. If you are unable to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 2nd May and have any questions, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Storrington, Sullington & Washington Neighbourhood Plan

The Statutory Consultation period is currently underway and will run until 13th April 2018. Copies of the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view from the Storrington Library and the Parish Office and can also be found on HDC’s and the Parish Council’s website. Once the consultation period has concluded, an independent examiner will be appointed to review the Plan and we hope to be able to have a public referendum later this year.

Royal British Legion “Silent Soldier” Commemoration

The Parish Council is proud to be a sponsor of the “Silent Soldier” initiative which is being organised by the Royal British Legion to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of WWl.

You may have seen in the press that these Silent Soldiers will be appearing across the county on buildings, gardens, fields, roundabouts and various other locations.

Our Silent Soldier will be placed on the island at Storrington Memorial Pond amongst the ceramic poppies that were made by the pupils at Rydon School (now Steyning Grammar, Rock Road site) in 2014 in recognition of 100 years since the start of the war.

If you would like further information on these topics or any of the Parish Council’s activities, please contact the Clerk on 01903 746547.




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