Edited extracts from the draft minutes of Planning Committee meeting on 2nd August 2018.
SDNP/18/03754/FUL RIDGE BUNGALOW, BURY GATE, BURY. Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a replacement single storey dwelling with detached double garage. Diversion of footpath 2444 to run along the front and side boundaries of the site.
This new proposal was incorrectly described as a single storey dwelling, and while not as large as the grand six-bedroom edifice originally proposed and rejected both by the Planning Authority and on appeal, it was still around three times larger than the existing bungalow. As such contrary to the applicable policy of Horsham District Council on replacement dwellings (DC28), as informed by the proposed policy (SD30) in the South Downs National Park Authority’s Local Plan (currently under examination pending adoption), which set a limit of 30% for the increase in area compared with the existing dwelling. It was also perverse to demolish an affordable dwelling to make way for an upmarket replacement, when the chief unmet requirement within both the National Park and the Parish was for affordable homes.
In discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council should continue to oppose the scale of dwelling proposed, as contrary to planning policy while also entailing the loss of an affordable home. The location was just 200 metres from a Dark Sky Site in course of designation, and the applicant’s assertion that their much larger dwelling would emit no more light than the existing bungalow would need to be challenged.
SDNP/18/03986/HOUS 2 BROOKVIEW SOUTH, COLDWALTHAM. Erection of a single storey side extension and demolition of workshop.
The house had suffered….when the former Council landlord had converted part of the garden into a public car park. Agreed the proposed extension was a reasonable way of enhancing the existing downstair floorspace of just two rooms, external impact being largely offset by removal of the detached workshop.
SDNP/18/04196/HOUS STANE STREET HOUSE, SANDY LANE, WATERSFIELD. Erection of a single storey rear extension.
In contrast to the proposals already discussed, it enlarged an already ample floorplan of five main rooms. It was pointed out, however, that the property was sited within an unusually large garden, and any public visual impact would be minimal. Attention should nevertheless be drawn to the two skylights planned for the new room, as the site was in an area of dark skies which the National Park Authority was committed to conserving. No general objection to the proposals (but question the skylight issue).