Coldwaltham Council November News


Edited extracts from the draft minutes of Parish Council meeting on 11th September 2018.

Chairman’s Report

Alban Head playing fields have been used extensively over the summer months, cricket, football and families using it for picnics.

Silverdale is expected to complete soon, the first people are due to move in on the 4th October, currently the final landscaping is happening.

Recently the Youth Club Hut has been completely cleared out of all the contents, shortly the asbestos and services will be removed, and the hut demolished. He noted that it was the same people helped with the clear out, as those who have been involved with running the YC over the years. Looking forward this is now the time of opportunity for those who wish to set up a new youth club, or other new venture appealing to the young people in the area.

SDNPA Local Plan Hearings

Invitation to appear at hearings which are scheduled to begin on 13th November at Midhurst. This is an opportunity to bring to the attention of the Inspector any issues which have changed since the Parish put in their submission. As the inspector does not want to hear the same evidence we need to ensure, that if we do wish to speak, we have new points to raise:

Firstly, the number of sites made available has increased to four, three were mentioned before, but the other being the Lodge Hill site. SDNPA still wish to pursue the Brookview site over these other sites.

Secondly, the SDNPA have as part of the proposed site, shown plans to develop two hectares, the other six were being left undeveloped. SDNPA have since clarified that this will be used as an ecological site and removed the initial plans to include a car park in the undeveloped area. Changes have been made very recently to the design.

Youth Club – A member noted that in her view there is nothing catering for the many older children in the parish. It was suggested that she should be in contact and support any groups wishing to set up new provision for young people in the parish.

Swing Park at Brookview is looking awful. Cllr Nelson advised that this is not new and that the PC had, in the past, tried to take this on without success. It is managed by the landlord of the housing association.

A29: The Department of Transport, after consultation with WSCC, plan to create a new Major Road Network. A major change within this is that the A29, currently designated a Local Lorry Route, it is recommended to become a National Heavy Goods Vehicle Route. This parish, unlike other villages, doesn’t already have a bypass: e.g. Billingshurst. Who at district knew about it? Members highlighted potential issues at the Hardham Railway bridge.


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