Chichester City Council November News

Chichester Cathedral

Edited extracts of minutes of the Council held on 5th September 2018.

Mayor’s General Announcements

The Mayor announced that his Charity Bike Ride from John O’Groats to Chichester in 10 days had been completed successfully by Justin Bulpett and Malcolm Meaby and that so far over £7,000 had been raised for the Mayoral Charities, Stonepillow and the Oxmarket. He thanked the Administration Manager for her support.

The next Mayoral Charity Event was on Saturday 22 September 2018 at Rymans in Apuldram and he encouraged all members to attend.

Over recent weeks the Mayor had attended many events including the unveiling of the memorial to Polish code-breaker Henryk Zygalski at Chichester Crematorium and that in the coming week, he would be visiting Priez with the Royal Sussex Regiment representatives.


A member commented on a planning application that had been discussed at the Planning Delegation Sub-Committee Meeting on 8 August 2018, whereby an art deco house in the north of the City was being demolished and that the City was losing many old residential buildings. The question of listed buildings would be discussed at a future Planning & Conservation Committee.

Ward reports

A North Ward member, advised that he had volunteered to attend the West Sussex County Council’s Chichester Road Space Audit — Design Phase Workshop on 19 September. He asked members to forward names of streets intheir wards that could be involved in any new road audit scheme.

A West Ward member, spoke on the effects the drug-related issues in the area were having on young people and that although the Community Wardens are an effective presence in the area, more advice on how to handle such matters was needed from Sussex Police.

A  South Ward member, commented on the increase of parking in residents streets following the opening of the new Free School on the south side of the A27. She also commented on that there was no specific news to report regarding the Whyke Community Pub Hub and local incidents in the area.

A South Ward member, advised that the Whyke Estate had been taken part in the South and South East in Bloom competition and would receive an award shortly for their entry.

The next meeting will be held on 5th December.


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