May News from Barnham Parish Council

Barnham, West Sussex

Edited extracts from the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th March 2018.

Election of Chairman

Following the recent resignation of Keith Ballard from the Council the first item on the agenda was the election of a new Chairman. John Robinson, as current Vice-Chairman, took the Chair for this item and asked for nominations from those present, but at the same time volunteered to undertake the role himself. No other Councillors came forward so Stewart Pritchard proposed and Sue Groom seconded John Robinson’s nomination and all Councillors agreed to his election as Chairman.

County and District Councillor inputs

County Councillor Derek Whittington had nothing significant to report, but following the publication of the recent newsletter it was highlighted that the item on parking had produced several emails to the Clerk and Mr Whittington and the local Highways Manager were assisting with the provision of some information to enable suitable responses to be sent.

He also mentioned that there had been some objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in respect of road markings outside Barnham Primary School.

The issue of traffic speeds, congestion in the village centre and the lack of suitable infrastructure to support future housing developments was also raised at this point, and briefly discussed, but it was noted that whilst these matters were very important there was little that the Council could do to move anything forward at this present time, but that they would always be highlighted as part of the consideration of all new development proposals.

There was no District Councillor present following Keith Ballard’s resignation and the Clerk said she would ask  others to consider attendance in future.

Planning Applications

BN/5/18 – Barnham Community Hall,  Resurfacing of existing car park.  No objection.

WSCC/008/18/BN – Lidsey Oil Site – Retention of Lidsey oil site including two existing wells and production plant and equipment within the existing site to produce hydrocarbons for a further period of 10 years – through an exchange of emails due to the response deadline being prior to this meeting.  Whilst there were some concerns raised over future operations at the site it was noted that as this application was purely to renew existing operations then no objection would be submitted.

At the time of going to press we were unable to obtain a progress report on the proposed merger between Barnham and Eastergate Parish Councils.


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