Celebrating women at Horsham District Council
Marked annually on 8th March, International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The theme of the 2023 campaign is #EmbraceEquity with the mission “to forge inclusive work cultures where women’s careers thrive, and their achievements are celebrated.”
Horsham District Council have women at the heart of their leadership, including Leader Councillor Claire Vickers, Chairman Councillor Kate Rowbottom and Chief Executive Jane Eaton.
Internationally women continue to face disadvantage with unequal pay and fewer opportunities in the workplace. Horsham District Council are proud of their commitment to the principles of equality and diversity and have a great record in bucking gender pay gap trends. With access to coaching and training, they continue to encourage career progression including supporting 12 women to achieve professional or degree qualifications in the last 3 years.
They have had so many women working across all their teams and are proud that every member of their workforce is supported to progress without limitations.