Woman in Mind in Southwick

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:45

End time: 22:00

Event Short Description

Susan has an accident and sees a fantasy family which is everything her real family is not.

Event Information

Woman in Mind play overview

Susan finds herself middle-aged, in a loveless marriage with a son who doesn’t speak to her anymore and despairs on how she got there. She has an accident in her garden and sees a fantasy family which is everything her real family isn’t – a world she can escape into and live out her dreams. However, as the play unfolds, she loses control of her fantasy leading to increasingly hilarious scenarios until she can no longer tell the difference between her real and imaginary worlds.

Alan Ayckbourn has been described as ‘the comic poet of middle-class life’, and this is one of his most searching plays.

Admission Details

Adult: £12


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Wick Theatre Company

Telephone: 07950937438

Email: barnboxoffice@southwickcommunitycentre.org.uk

Website: https://ww.wicktheatre.co.uk

Venue Details

Address: Barn Theatre, Southwick Community Centre, Southwick, West Sussex, BN42 4TE

Telephone: 0333 666 3366

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