Wild Basketry at Wakehurst

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 09:45

End time: 16:30

Event Short Description

Create your own small, fragrant basket, using ancient coiling basketry techniques and bone needles.

Event Information

Wild Basketry with Ruby Taylor

Join tutor Ruby Taylor and make a small and sturdy, fragrant basket, and by the end of the day you’ll have learned all you need to know to make another yourself afterwards. The basketry technique of coiling is ancient and as an option there’ll be bone/wooden needles available for you to use, to make your basket the way our distant ancestors would have.

Admission Details

Adult: 105


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details: £94.50 for Kew and Wakehurst members

Organiser Details

Name: Wakehurst, Kew

Telephone: 01444 894066

Email: wakehurst@kew.org

Website: https://bit.ly/WildBasketry-Wakehurst

Venue Details

Address: Wakehurst, Kew, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH17 6TN

Telephone: 01444 894066

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