West Sussex Writers

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:30

End time: 21:30

Event Short Description

A workshop with Author, Richard Buxton, entitled ‘Story Roots and Cultivation’

Event Information

The evening will explore the many different ways in which stories originate and evolve towards their final form. Their inspiration, sources and transformations, literary influences and, critically, how a writer’s emotional input can lend greater depth to a story. Those attending are encouraged to consider a fictional story of their own. What inspired them? What unexpected turns did they take in the writing? What was the emotional involvement of the author? Workshops will include discussion of attendee’s stories and their particular genesis and development, and look at starting a story.

Admission Details

Adult: Guests £5


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Julie Gowers

Email: westsussexwriterspublicity@gmail.com

Website: https://www.westsussexwriters.co.uk

Venue Details

Address: Goring Methodist Church hall, Goring-on-Sea, West Sussex, BN12 4XB

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