West Chiltington WI – Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

heanig dogs for deaf people puppy with handler

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 13:45

End time: 16:00

Event Short Description

West Chiltington WI – Hearing Dogs for Deaf People (Speaker Sally Botwright)

Event Information

We welcome new and current members on the 2nd Thursday each month (excl Aug) and have a variety of interesting speakers. For further information please see our website. No charge for the first three meetings.

Sally is a volunteer for the charity and loves to talk about how dogs can help people with hearing problems. Dogs are trained to alert deaf people to important and life-saving sounds they would otherwise miss – sounds that many people take for granted like the doorbell, alarm clock and even danger signals like the smoke or fire alarm. Being aware of these – thanks to a hearing dog – makes a real difference to deaf people’s lives, and can even save them.

Deafness can be a very isolating disability. A hearing dog can give a deaf person a new found sense of independence and confidence now they have a loyal companion and a true friend by their side.

Admission Details



Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Angela Reynolds, President

Telephone: 01903 746648

Email: angelareynoldswi@gmail.com

Website: https://westchiltingtonwi.com

Venue Details

Address: West Chiltington Village Hall, West Chiltington, West Sussex, RH20 2PZ

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