West Chiltington Dramatic Society presents ‘Dark Lucy’ by Philip King and Parnell Bradbury

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:30

End time: 22:00

Event Short Description

Dark Lucy is an intriguing psychological thriller, which will have you guessing right to the end!

Event Information

Dark Lucy is initially set in a village vicarage during the last decade or so. Carol, the vicar’s highly-strung wife, is apparently assaulted by an unpleasant old woman, living in a dilapidated cottage. Unfortunately for Carol, no one believes her, so when a young woman disappears, Carol sets out to discover the truth about the old woman & the cottage. What she finds is the stuff of nightmares!
This is a much-heralded mystery thriller, so prepare to sit on the edge of your seat!

Admission Details

Adult: £12


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: West Chiltington Dramatic Society

Email: vicechair@wcds.co.uk

Website: https://www.wcds.co.uk

Venue Details

Address: West Chiltington Village Hall, West Chiltington, West Sussex, RH20 2PZ

Telephone: 07446 857333

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