Tin Hut Talks – The D-Day Landings and Normandy Campaign – Myths and Legends

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 18:00

End time: 21:00

Event Short Description

A talk by Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey Vesey Holt, about D-Day and the Normandy campaign.

Event Information

A talk by Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey Vesey Holt, about D-Day and the Normandy campaign.

Presenter: Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Geoffrey Vesey Holt was a career officer in the Royal Tank Regiment (RTR) until 2010. He supported the RTR’s First World War commemorations including some of the battlefield tours and has written various articles and is writing about the history of the Tank Corps in the Great War. He also runs pro bono battlefield tours and lectures. He enjoys village life and long walks regularly, surprisingly for a retired RTR officer, the hills of Sussex Weald and other places.

The talk will be held in Shoreham Fort’s World War 1 Nissan Hut; places are limited.

Find tickets, here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tin-hut-talks-tickets-827829790187

Admission Details

Adult: £10

Child: £10

Child Age Limit: 12

Concession Details: None

Organiser Details

Name: Friends of Shoreham Fort

Telephone: 01903 507512

Email: tinhuttalks@shorehamfort.co.uk

Website: https://www.shorehamfort.co.uk

Venue Details

Address: Shoreham Fort, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5HY

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