THINK18 Christmas Card Competition 2021

Christmas art competition - Tom Yendell

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 09:00

End time: 23:00

Event Short Description

THINK18 are inviting all ‘young adults with learning disabilities’ to take part in their THINK18 Christmas card art competition 2021

Event Information

It’s getting close to Christmas, so it’s time to get creative. THINK18 are inviting all ‘young adults with learning disabilities’ to take part in their THINK18 Christmas card art competition 2021, to  express themselves through art. Entrants could be their official chosen charity Christmas card design. Thanks to Tom Yendell, the judge, they also have some art vouchers.

First prize is £150, Second Prize is £125 & third prize is £100. Runners up will also receive recognition.

Entrants will either receive acrylic paints and a blank canvas or they can use felt pens and art paper, the format must be square. They can paint any Christmas themed picture they like or choose from one of the THINK18 suggested themes: King and Queens, Christmas Day Dinner, Angels, Elfs or Fairies.

Submit your entry digitally through a photo taken of the design and ensure entrants name is on the jpg before submission. (Subject in email should be: Christmas Entry). Email this to Tessa ( so their judge Mouth and Foot Painting Artist Tom Yendell (an artist born without arms) can decide the winner.

To enter, register forms/Christmas-card-competition-entry and fill out the media consent form www.consentforms. Closing date of competition is November 3rd, 2021.

For more information on THINK18 art workshops visit their website www.think18 or their Facebook (facebook/THINK18) and Instagram ( pages.

Admission Details



Child Age Limit: 16-35

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: THINK18

Telephone: 07768 765865



Venue Details

Online - Platform Email

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