The Selsey Tramway – Joe Whicher

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:15

End time: 21:30

Event Short Description

Joe explores the route and history of the lost Tramway between Chichester and Selsey

Event Information

The Selsey Tramway

Joe has harboured an interest in railways throughout his life and says it has always been the smaller concerns, whether standard or narrow gauge, that have intrigued him most.

When information on a minor railway is available, he says it often reveals unusual working practices as well as it being operated with a variety of equipment, much of which is second hand and in some cases modified to work on the particular line.

Upon moving to live in Chichester in 2006 with an interest in Industrial Archaeology and Railways, the fascination of exploring the route and history of the lost Tramway between Chichester and Selsey inspired him to do a little research.

After gathering and illustrating his findings, this talk will be on what he discovered.

Admission Details

Adult: £3


Child Age Limit:

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Organiser Details

Name: RCTS Chichester Branch

Telephone: 07403 885061



Venue Details

Address: Bassil Shippam Centre, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 7LG

Telephone: 02392215919

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