The Right Royal Rumpus

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 11:00

End time: 14:30

Event Short Description

A prisoner Prince, a triple gold ransom, two brave Princesses and a Grumblesnitch

Event Information

The Right Royal Rumpus UnderWired production

UnderWired Productions believe that physical and financial barriers should not prevent children from accessing live theatre. To ensure UnderWired bring their production to as many families as possible, the show is fully inclusive and interactive, there are many concessions available and there are multiple British sign language interpreted performances.

The Prince has been captured by two nasty fairies. If Princesses Rose and Lilly bring them the Secret of Happiness, they’ll let him go. But the Secret is locked in a tree, and the keys are all made of gold, and there’s a Grumblesnitch on the loose.

Dates: 10th Aug – 20th Aug and shows are 11am & 2.30pm. Special Gala Performance on Fri 12th Aug 7pm

Disabled, Disabled Carers & Child Carers go free.

Admission Details

Adult: £8

Child: £5

Child Age Limit:

Concession Details: FREE

Organiser Details

Name: Keely Amor



Venue Details

Address: Shackleton Hall,, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4JN

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