The Arts Society South Downs

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 10:45

End time: 12:00

Event Short Description

Oh we do Like to be by the Seaside By Ian Gledhill

Event Information

The Arts Society South Downs seaside lecture

A light-hearted look at seaside entertainment over the years, from Bathing Machines to End of the Pier Shows and “What the Butler Saw” machines. The British seaside began with the fashion for sea bathing in the 18th century, but expanded enormously in the 19th century with the arrival of the railways and the era of mass travel.

They will look at the specialist buildings which proliferated at the seaside in the 19th century, such as piers, towers and aquaria, that provided entertainment for the masses – not to mention that famous breed, the seaside landlady.

Admission Details

Adult: £6


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details: Free to Members

Organiser Details

Name: Jane Allison



Venue Details

Address: Fittleworth Village Hall, Fittleworth, West Sussex, RH20 1JB

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