The Aftermath of Grenfell Tower Fire


Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 18:00

End time: 19:00

Event Short Description

Paul McCormick discusses government responses to the Grenfell Tower fire, impact on construction, landlords and residents.

Event Information

Paul McCormick investigating lawyer will discuss government responses to the Grenfell Tower Fire, the impact on construction industry, landlords, lease holders and residents of the high rise flats. He explores modern construction industry secrets!

Admission Details

Adult: Admission Free suggested donation to speakers chosen charity £5.00 +


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Marilyn Marjorie Humphrey

Telephone: 01243 771976


Venue Details

Address: Bassil Shippam Centre, Chichester, United Kingdom, PO19 7LG

Telephone: 01243 771976

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