Taylor Maid Concert in Storrington

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:00

End time: 22:00

Event Short Description

Taylor Maid will be playing at Storrington and Sullington Parish Hall, Thakeham Road, Storrington,

Event Information

A Concert by Taylor Maid

Taylor Maid play a variety of songs and tunes from the 1920s to the present day, including swing, gypsy jazz, latin, folk and some fast and furious fiddle jigs and reels. The six piece band features: Jon Wigg on fiddle, mandolin, guitar, banjo, low whistle and vocals. Magda Taylor on tenor sax, banjo and vocals. Mike Carey on keyboards. Pete Sidwell on double bass, bass and vocals. Matt Wilson on jazz guitar and Dave Chivers on drums, percussion.

Tickets £13, which must be booked or purchased in advance. Tickets available from Storrington Museum (01903 740188 open Saturday & Wednesday 10-4 and Sunday 10-1) or email contact@storringtonmuseum.com.

Drinks including alcohol and snacks will be available.

Admission Details

Adult: £13


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Storrington Museum

Telephone: 01903 740188

Email: storringtonmuseum@hotmail.com

Website: http://storringtonmuseum.com/

Venue Details

Address: Storrington & Sullington Parish Hall, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 3PP

Telephone: 01903 740188

Email Event

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