Speaker – An evening with Jeremy Mainwaring – Burton (LVO) – Queen Mother’s Equerry

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Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 18:30

End time: 21:00

Event Short Description

Jeremy Mainwaring – Burton gives a unique insight of life at Castle Mey with the Queen Mother.

Event Information

The Queen Mother at the Castle of Mey

An evening with Jeremy Mainwaring – Burton (LVO) – Price: £15 (to include a glass of Hennings wine on arrival)

Former equerry, Jeremy Mainwaring-Burton, gives a highly entertaining, illustrated account of what it was like to stay at the Castle of Mey for the Queen Mother and her guests.

The Queen Mother bought the Castle of Mey shortly after the King died in 1952. It was the only property she ever owned and she would spend three weeks there every August surrounded by members of her household and staff, and a number of young guests.

Jeremy first stayed at the Castle of Mey in the late 1970s on duty as Her Majesty’s Equerry.

Admission Details

Adult: £15


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: The Sussex Snowdrop Trust

Telephone: 01243 572433

Email: office@snowdroptrust.com

Website: https://www.thesussexsnowdroptrust.com/event/the-queen-mother-at-the-castle-of-mey-an-evening-with-jeremy-mainwaring-burton-lvo/

Venue Details

Address: Leconfield Hall, Petworth, West Sussex, GU28 0AH

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