Sextant to SatNav Part 2 in Storrington

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:30

End time: 20:30

Event Short Description

An informative amusing talk by Peter Griffiths, a retired pilot with 45 years of aviation experience

Event Information

Talk on the history of the Sextant to SatNav

This is Part 2 of the popular talk given last year. Peter Griffiths started flying with BOAC in 1967, on B707s, both as a Pilot and Navigator. He finished a few years ago, flying executive jets for the rich and infamous. He thus ran the full gamut from “steam driven” early jets, navigating by map, compass and sextant, to highly sophisticated, computer driven aircraft, accurate to within a couple of feet.

The stories you may have heard, of the likeness of Captains in those days to minor deities, has not been exaggerated. He left BOAC in 1975 and then spent 29 years with Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong, rising to Fleet Manager B747, managing 19 aircraft. During that time he evacuated people from China, after Tiananmen Square and flew freighters during the first Gulf War.

After Cathay, he flew executive jets and came to realise that the rich are indeed different. He has a fund of informative, historical and amusing stories and happy to take questions afterwards

Admission Details

Adult: £8


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details: £6 for members

Organiser Details

Name: Storrington Museum

Telephone: 01903 740188



Venue Details

Address: Storrington Museum, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 4LL

Telephone: 01903 740188

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