Sarah Trowsdale: Never Cease to Throw Rocks

Event Details

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Start time: 10:00

End time: 17:00

Event Short Description

Sarah has brought together established & new textile techniques to create a series of quilted pieces

Event Information

Her work begins with cultural and historical research which explores little known women through history who have been physically engaged in warfare, rebellions or acts of aggression against oppressors. Using this information, she creates dynamic art quilts using techniques such as appliqué and quilting on repurposed material to represent them.

During her research, Sarah came across a quote from a soldier’s letter that described how the women he was fighting “Never cease to throw rocks, and do injury to the troops”. This stood out to her because when used in a different context these words could be a message, as relevant now as it was then. The struggle for equality still goes on, but never cease to stand up for your rights, continue to throw your ‘rocks’ until you are heard.

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Organiser Details

Name: Colonnade House

Telephone: 01903 221293



Venue Details

Address: Colonnade House, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3DH

Telephone: 01903221293

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