Quiet Garden Afternoons

Quiet Garden

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 14:00

End time: 17:00

Event Short Description

Spend some time enjoying the peace in the Blue Idol garden.

Event Information

Spend some time enjoying the peace in the Blue Idol garden. This can be an opportunity to take some space for reflection and contemplation. People of all backgrounds and walks of life are warmly welcomed.

The hosted afternoon will begin with a welcoming meditation introduction at 2pm. You are then welcome to stay as long as you like.

Booking essential by messaging the Facebook page (@BlueIdolQuakers), emailing admin@blueidol.org or calling 01403 740039. Free entry, donations welcome.

First Wednesday of each month from July – October 2021.

Admission Details

Adult: Free


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Blue Idol Quakers

Email: admin@blueidol.org

Website: http://www.blueidol.org

Venue Details

Address: Blue Idol Quaker Meeting House, Coolham, West Sussex, RH13 8QP

Telephone: +441403740039

Email Event

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