Pulborough Tea Spot Caring Café

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 10:00

End time: 12:00

Event Short Description

Monthly Dementia friendly support group for carers and those cared for.

Event Information

The Pulborough Tea Spot Caring Café

The Pulborough Tea Spot Caring Café is now a well – established and very much appreciated event held on the first Thursday of each month from 10am to 12 noon. They meet at Pulborough United Reformed Church and the morning is completely free of charge. They welcome carers and those they care for; anyone just wanting company and we are dementia friendly. The surroundings are welcoming, accessible, bright, airy and offer a safe environment for all.

They aim to offer support and understanding to carers, those they care for and to anyone who is feeling lonely: they feel it a great privilege to be able to offer that important listening ear to those who need it. However, an important part of the morning – apart from tea, coffee, and home-made cake – is the human contact, interaction, conversation and above all, enjoyment.

If you would like to join, visit on the first Thursday of the month – anyone and everyone will be most welcome.

Admission Details



Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Keith Russell

Telephone: 01798 873174

Email: keithandrosemaryrussell@gmail.com

Venue Details

Address: Pulborough United Reformed Church, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 2DW

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