Positive Ageing Month

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 09:30

End time: 16:30

Event Short Description

Littlehampton Library are holding the first Positive Ageing Month event on 1st October

Event Information

There are a variety of charities and services who are coming together to help residents to live a happy and healthy life for longer. Arun Wellbeing will offer blood pressure checks and healthy living advice. The Prevention Assessment Team and organisations such as Age UK and Alzheimer’s Society and will be on hand to offer advice and support. Local groups such as Littlehampton U3A will offer opportunities for learning in later life. RNID volunteers can help you complete a free, 3-minute hearing check and of course the libraries offer a range of regular activities for residents.

Admission Details

Adult: FREE

Child: FREE

Child Age Limit:

Concession Details: FREE

Organiser Details

Name: Jackie Manners

Telephone: 01903 716450

Email: littlehampton.library@westsussex.gov.uk

Website: https://arena.westsussex.gov.uk/events#/events/12ad5dd4-126e-40ef-9a84-07605afd813e?location=LittlehamptonLibrary&tag=positiveageingmonth

Venue Details

Address: Littlehampton Library, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5NA

Telephone: 01903 716450

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