“Petersfield Museum: A progress report on the redevelopment”

Petersfield Museum

Event Details

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Start time: 14:30

End time: 16:30

Event Short Description

After 18 months closure, Bill Gosney will talk on Zoom about the Petersfield museum’s history and plans.

Event Information

“Petersfield Museum: A progress report on the redevelopment” – is an online talk to Midhurst u3a

After 18 months closure, Bill Gosney will talk to u3a members on Zoom about the history and plans to create a cultural centre and visitor attraction. It is a major £2.8m re-development. The museum itself is set in a unique set of buildings: Magistrates Courthouse, police house and cells with exercise yard.

Bill Gosney is a familiar face in the Petersfield area, well known for his many guided walks. He is, as a trustee of the Petersfield Museum, directly involved in this ambitious project.

Midhurst u3a is emerging from lockdown with many online and live activities and almost almost 60 groups covering everything from ipad support to cryptic crosswords and walking. New members are most welcome. Please visit our website www.midhurstu3a.org.uk

Admission Details



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Organiser Details

Name: Philip Watts

Email: midhurstu3a@gmail.com

Website: http://www.midhurstu3a.org.uk

Venue Details

Online - Platform Zoom

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