Night-time safari: Nightjars on the heath at RSPB Pulborough Brooks

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 20:30

End time: 23:00

Event Short Description

An evening walk listening for Nightjars, bats, moths and glow worms.

Event Information

As the sun sets we’ll lead you on a night-time walk onto the heathland. We’ll take a closer look at some marvellous moths and then head out on a search for mysterious Nightjars, brilliant bats and other night creatures including Glow-worms!

To make sure we’re in the middle of all the action, we’ll have exclusive access to the central heathland where visitors aren’t normally able to explore and we’ll have bat detectors to use as we walk through the woods.
Booking essential.

Admission Details

Adult: £26

Child: £13.50/£11.50 members

Child Age Limit: Age 12 + suggested

Concession Details: £21.90 RSPB members

Organiser Details

Name: Anna Allum

Telephone: 01798875851



Venue Details

Address: RSPB Pulborough Brooks nature reserve, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 2EL

Telephone: 01798875851

Email Event

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