Night Sky Planetarium

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 14:00

End time: 16:00

Event Short Description

Friends of the South Downs are hosting an event at the South Downs Planetarium in Chicester.

Event Information

South Downs Night Sky Planetarium show

The full dome features an immersive video plus images. The star projector projects nearly 4,500 stars and other celestial objects onto the dome above.

There is free car parking, easy disabled access and it is just a short walk from rail and bus stations. The auditorium is now restricted to 65 seats so book your spot well in advance. The Planetarium show will last about an hour and there will be coffee, tea and biscuits afterwards.

Admission Details

Adult: £ 12.00


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Friends of the South Downs



Venue Details

Address: South Downs Planetarium, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8RP

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