National Garden Scheme: Open Garden at Terwick House Rogate

Event Details

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Start time: 14:00

End time: 17:00

Event Short Description

Garden at Terwick House – notable for its extensive range of rare and unusual trees and shrubs.

Event Information

Terwick House Rogate open garden

Wild woodland garden planted for spring interest some 40 yrs ago by plant collectors of rhododendron, azalea, camellia and acer, along winding steep paths to the south of the house. A collection of R. yakushimanum among many others; small pinetum and many specialist trees. Herbaceous planting is taking shape around the house (not open). Small potager garden off front driveway.
Notable garden for the extensive range of rhododendron cultivars, rare and unusual trees and shrubs.

Open for the National Garden Scheme Sun 28th May 2pm – 5pm. Admission £6, children free. Pay on the day. Home-made teas.

Visit for more information about the work of the National Garden Scheme, to search for gardens opening in your area or to find out how to open your own garden.

Admission Details

Adult: £6

Child: £0

Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: National Garden Scheme:

Telephone: 01483 211535



Venue Details

Address: Terwick House, Petersfield, West Sussex, GU31 5BY

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