Midhurst Freemasons Lodge Open Day, 18th May

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 12:00

End time: 16:00

Event Short Description

Drop by for a warm welcome and a rare chance to see inside and discover what we are all about.

Event Information

For hundreds of years, the freemasons have been veiled in secrecy, they have strange symbols, hidden handshakes and operate under the cover of darkness!

To find out what really happens, and see what we get up to, pop by for a BBQ and refreshments between 12.00 and 4 pm and we will show you around.

Admission Details



Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Derek Smyth

Email: dereksmyth35588@gmail.com

Venue Details

Address: The Masonic Hall, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9HH

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