Michele Morrod: Shoreline

Event Details

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Start time: 10:00

End time: 17:00

Event Short Description

Michele has always had a connection to the sea, which has always influenced her life and her work.

Event Information

As a child growing up in Brighton, days on the beach collecting the most interesting pebbles – the smooth round ones, the ones with holes, or sea glass worn down by the surf – these were the beginning of a fascination with forms and patterns in nature. Paddling in rock pools under towering white cliffs, finding tiny crabs, seaweed and shells, was a tactile and visual experience which has emerged in later work through images of beach life in south coast towns. Net drying sheds in Hastings, beach huts in Worthing, and the West Pier in Brighton, (subject of an MA at Brighton University).

The worn surfaces of old wooden boats, the pebble walls of fishermen’s cottages, and the fish on the marble slab, evoke British seaside towns, and have always been an inspiration for artists.

Michele’s work follows in that tradition, but also uses photography and digital illustration to bring a new style to her work.

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Organiser Details

Name: Colonnade House

Email: paula.tollett@adur-worthing.gov.uk

Website: https://colonnadehouse.co.uk/

Venue Details

Address: Colonnade House, Worthing, 200, BN11 3DH

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