Men’s Community Breakfast in Chichester

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 08:00

End time: 11:00

Event Short Description

Men’s Breakfast – Patrick Regan, CEO and co-founder of Kintsugi Hope, will be joining.

Event Information

Community Breakfast with speaker

Men’s breakfasts, sponsored by Immanuel Church, provide an opportunity for fellowship, a super breakfast and to listen to a speaker.

Patrick is CEO and co-founder of Kintsugi Hope, which came about following a series of personal trials and ill-health affecting Patrick and his family. Prior to that, Patrick led urban youth work charity XLP, which he founded in 1996 and ran for 22 years. Patrick has travelled to over 40 countries, working with and on behalf of the poorest communities, and is a regular contributor on radio and TV on issues of justice and wellbeing. He has received the Mayor of London Peace Award and was also awarded an OBE from Her Majesty the Queen for services to young people.

Admission Details

Adult: 10


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Peter Sutton

Telephone: 07813024585



Venue Details

Address: Chichester Park Hotel, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 7QL

Telephone: 07813024585

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