‘London Road’ in Bognor Regis

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:30

End time: 22:00

Event Short Description

‘London Road’ – Best Musical in 2011

Event Information

London Road inspired by true events

‘London Road’ – by the University of Chichester Musical Theatre Triple Treat.

‘London Road’ won the Best Musical Awards in 2011 & became a celebrated feature film in 2015, with an original cast reprising their stage roles, including Olivia Coleman. Inspired by true events, Alecky Blythe & Adam Cork’s revolutionary musical narrates the lives of a Suffolk community, rebuilding its reputation after a series of neighbourhood murders.

Yes, ‘London Road’ is uplifting.

Admission Details

Adult: £18

Child: £10

Child Age Limit: under 16's

Concession Details: cons £15 /

Organiser Details

Name: Hazel Latus

Telephone: 01243 867676

Email: hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk

Website: http://www.alexandratheatre.co.uk

Venue Details

Address: Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 1BN

Telephone: 01243 861010

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